Friday, May 28, 2010


Something about those small little things just make people happy...especially kids! My little boy LOVES them so much that he squeals with excitement when the come falling from the sky!!!

One of the things we look forward to weekly is going to Gymboree Play & Music together! Our class is SO much fun and I just LOVE watching him learn and play with other kids his age! The teacher is amazing and I feel so great about what he is learning!

We've been going to Gymboree since my little guy was 1 year old and the amount he has grown and learned since then is amazing!

I can't seem to get the cool songs we sing out of my head and he perks right up when I start singing them to him at home!

It's been such an awesome experience not only for my little guy but for me too! Because once a week I get to chat with other parents with kids the same age as mine and that is SO great!!!

Last week I took along my camera and took a few video clips and shots of how much fun he is having so I could always remember this time in his life! Enjoy!

Bye bye readers...I'll see you here next time!



Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bathing Suits?!

Ugh...not many more things can be dreaded as much as bathing suit shopping! SHRILL!!! :O

I had no plans to try them on today...but on a trip to the mall with my sister it happened. Yes...I lost my mind for a short while and entered my own torture chamber...AKA the dressing room...with a...wait for it...SPANX bathing suit in hand.

I know I know...why would I do such a thing? Oh and the lighting...the lighting in those dressing rooms...I was just asking for trouble...or the onset of depression!

Yet, I have to admit, in a section filled with suits named MIRACLE I thought I needed to give it a shot. I mean...we can all use a miracle right?

Now I'm not the owner of a pair of SPANX...I would like to be but I haven't ever bought any. I do however on occasion sport the Dr. Rey's version of a corset under certain outfits when I'm feeling frisky! haha

So what was my verdict. Eh...a bathing suit is a bathing suit. They were flattering I will have to breathing was only slightly restricted BUT the kicker...was the PRICE TAG! Apparently SPANX has yet to find the technology to make their price shrink!

So no suit was purchased for me today...I used my money to buy a cookie! Shopping FAIL!



Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hello Sun!

It's been a fun few days!

This weekend we took a little day trip down to Cave Run Lake and visited with my aunt and uncle on their boat, we picked strawberries at Boyd's Orchard in Versailles, and yesterday Clay and I went swimming for the first time this year at my sister's pool!!! Lots of fun!!!

I'm so glad the warm weather seems to be here for good and for all the neat activities this season brings here in Ky!

With Memorial Day coming up this weekend I'm sure a lot of families have some sort of plans! What are we doing? Probably attending a few cookouts with our families and enjoying time together!

What are your plans for the holiday weekend? It is the "unofficial kick-off to summer" and all!!!



Friday, May 21, 2010

Boogy Man?

So it's been a crazy couple of nights. You know... when your kid starts waking up randomly for no reason at oh 3:00 a.m. and then your smoke detectors remind you that one of them has a dead battery at 4:30 a.m. Yeah thats how the past few nights have been here...not sure why. And really it's not a big deal...

If I hadn't of filled my brain with all those scary movies that always refer to 3:00 a.m. as

So...I have a question. We are grown ups right? The big kids in the house. The ones who are brave and will fight off the monsters. BUT do you ever get kinda freaked out when you have to go calm your kid down in the middle of the night? Haha sounds totally stupid as Im writing it BUT I'm not gonna lie. I'm scared of the boogy man too...

If you are a CHICKEN like do you suck it up to calm your kids?

Can't wait to hear the stories!



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Top 5

things a brand spanking new mom needs to have at home when she leaves the hospital!

#5 PADS...and lots of them. I'm talking the jumbo OVERNIGHT monsters!!!

#4 Granny Panties...yup thats right I said it. I am on the record for telling my husband to go to Wal-Mart and find the biggest pair of Granny Panties he can find and buy two
packs of them! haha

#3 Comfy Presentable Pajamas...because you are going to spending a lot of time in them. Trust me!

#2 write down everything thats going on. You will quickly forget the sweet memories you are experiences due to the amount of sleep deprivation you will endure!

#1 HELP and lots of it! Don't be ashamed or afraid to ask for help. If you have family close by ask them to come watch the wee one while you take a shower, eat, or even catch a few zzzz's! There is NOTHING wrong with getting help!!!

Good luck!!! And get ready for the wildest ride ever!!!



Hello TV Land!

Yesterday was HUGE for me and {mom}tini! Like...really big!

I, me, Desiree Rowe, was on the noon show on WKYT. Um's true! Little ol' me sat down on the red couch and chatted it up with Bill and Barbara!!! about surreal. I think I have replayed it on my dvr atleast 10 times now.

I, somehow held it all together and didn't draw a blank, pass out, or get sick. Amazing right! Don't ask me how I did it because I have NO CLUE. I had been trying to down play it since we scheduled the date several weeks ago. Kept telling's no big deal, just going to go talk to some people. But boy o boy when I went into the studio and actually saw all those crazy big cameras and the actual set...*GASP* it hit me. This is real, this is TV, and people are going to SEE ME!!!

But it went smoothly, if you leave out the fact that I ran out of hairspray that morning and forgot to put SHOES on my kid before we left.

Bill and Barbara were so sweet and made me feel super comfortable and I even met the nicest lady from Kiddie Kutters out in Brannon Crossing who went on right after me!

Incase you missed you go!




Monday, May 17, 2010

Fish, Fish, Fish

Pretty sure I repeated that word followed with pointing at least 100 times yesterday! But boy was it fun! My husband and I have both been really busy lately and it was really nice taking a quiet (yes QUIET, because little man took a nap the whole way there) drive up 75 to Newport to visit the Aquarium.

I love the Levee up there. It's like a mini vacay for WAY les $$$. Plus little man is under 2 so he was FREE (cha-ching)

We had a blast! We fed the birds, watched the otters play, walked through the shark tunnel ( side note...when my hubby and I were still dating...I totally thought he was going to propose to me here...I was wrong! But the actual proposal was WAY better so no fear!), and just enjoyed watching our sweet 16 month old experience new things!

Life is crazy, and sometimes it's very stressfull. But something about watching your baby see something for the first time...just brings you back home. Back to the place in your heart where you know what this life is all about. LOVE


P.S. Watch for me on the noon show tomorrow on WKYT 27!!! I'll be on there chatting about this blog and !!! SO EXCITED!!! Oh and I'll be wearing the prettiest dress ever from Cradle Will Rock!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Me time!

One of my FAV things to do is get a massage! LOVE IT SO MUCH! Yet, it's hard to carve out time to do things like that. But's going to happen! I'm FINALLY using one of my gift certificates to Winchester Therapeutic Massage from CHRISTMAS!

Which doesn't seem THAT long ago but's MAY so...5 months. Yeah I think it's time to use them! Haha...ho ho ho!

I think thats what I'll say when I show up! HO HO HO Merry Christmas! Bahahah

So mommas...when and how do you carve out special time just for you? What do you do to treat yourself?


Baby Moon in Lexington is offering a Restorative Yoga Session just for moms Sunday May 16th! Check out more info here!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and you get to enjoy just a little "ME" time!


Friday, May 14, 2010

Closet Swap...

Confession: I still wear a pair of my old maternity pants!

I's horrible I know! But they are the comfiest pair of stretchy quachos that you will ever find...and I just can't give them up!
So since coming to terms with this...I decided I should probably look for a new "look"! It being spring almost summer and all...and 16 months after maternity clothes are needed!
So here is a peak into my DREAM CLOSET!!



Tom's Wedges!

So there you have it! Welcome to my dream world!



Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today Rocked!


My little man took me on a date to Victorian Square in Downtown Lex. today. It was sweet!!! We did a little shopping and I fell IN LOVE with the coolest kids clothing store in Lexington, no wait...KY! It's a little shop called Cradle Will Rock and it totally rocks! After chatting with the owner, Rhonda, I found out that she designs, sews, and makes each piece of clothing there. Can we say WOW! Seriously. She even said you can bring in your own ideas and she will make them come to life! How cool is that! So of course I had to leave there with a little something for myself...oh like this dress...

Right now she has mostly little girl clothing...but oh just 2 more weeks she is introducing her little boy line!!! I can't wait!!! Seriously though...if Lexington was Hollywood...all the stars would be shopping here! How did Lexington get SO lucky!!!

She is also holding a Casting Call for little models for her upcoming Fashion Show!!! How cool!

After shopping my little man and I strolled on over to the Explorium for his first visit!!! I was so excited to see what he would do! Of course he LOVED the water table...what baby doesn't...

Great day for this mommy blogger in the bluegrass! How was your day?


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

gdiapers...1st week recap

Chemical Burns isn't the most pleasent of thoughts to think about when you are diapering your baby...right? So ever since I read this article about what some parent's were experiencing with the new Pampers Dry Max technology in their new and improved ;O) Cruisers and Swaddlers it promted me to go a little greener with my son's diapers.

I turned to a diaper I had looked at before..gdiapers. A hybrid diaper with a disposable 100% biodegradable liner and reusable cover. Being a one time full out cloth diapering momma turned disposable user...I knew whatever I switched to needed to be easy, fast, and leak proof!

So far so good. We did experience two random leaks...I'm gonna blame that on me and not getting the propper fit. Traveling with them is easy and it trully doesn't take any more time than disposables. I've been getting by with only 2 covers and honestly I only think I will need 1-2 more to be completely stocked!

So here is the breakdown...

Price comparison...
Not too shabby!

I will keep you posted as the trial continues!!! As of now...I am a gdiaper loving momma!!!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


it's naptime and I'm enjoying some piece and quiet. I really need to hop in the shower since this is my first chance to do so since little man's 6:25 a.m. wake up call! I can't believe he is such an early mother blames it on me having to wake up so early while I was pregnant! Not sure why he does it really...but I wish he would snooze just a little longer!

Just wanted to share this clip with you...I've found myself re-watching it tons lately. Just makes me feel good!!! It's playing at the Kentucky Theatre right now in Downtown Lex. I wanna go...:O)

Mother's Day remembered...

This was my 3rd Mother's Day (if you count the one when I was pregnant! which I totally do) and I have to was a pretty good one!

My little boy is now 16 months old and is FINALLY starting to want to snuggle and cuddle instead of busting my nose everytime I try to hold him! (although I still get a few sneak head butts every now and then) It TRULY makes my heart melt every time he lays his little head on my shoulder. I LOVE HIM!

So what was my Mother's Day like? promised I stayed in bed till 10:00 a.m.! SCORE! Then I was greeted with waffles and extra crispy bacon (my ABSOLUTE fav breakfast) pink roses, chocolates, and some sweet cards! Oh and I treated myself with a candle warmer from a Scentsy party I went to last week too! (PS my house smells AH-mazing)

Later that day we went to Mayfest in Downtown, LEX and I got this ring...

from That Winsome Girl (my secret fb crush shop! I was really geeked to meet her in person!) My husband actually really LOVES this ring! So YAY! Maybe I'll be getting some future gifts from her!!! We do have an anniversary coming up WINK WINK!

The Mayfest was really awesome. Not too big, not too crowded, and really NICE booths! We will TOTALLY be going back next year!

After that we went to visit my my mother and the rest of my family and had dinner! The kids played with each other, took a wagon ride with Papaw, fished out of the pond, and watched the ducks as we swung on the back porch swing and chatted!

It was a very relaxing and wonderful Mother's Day...nothing extravagant, nothing out of this world, just a comfortable kind of day. Just how I like it!

I hope you had a GREAT Mother's Day! Share with me your day...PLEASE I wanna know!!!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

St. Joseph East Maternity Fair

Wow! Today was...umm...AWESOME! Yeah basically awesome!

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret that I don't think anyone knows. Almost a year ago to the day I entered into the blogging new and unaware of what blogging was all about. I was a newb for real! Here is a quote from my first post from my first blog titled...wait for it...kysahm! Yes original I know!

"Througout my years I have always had some sort of group of girl friends. In high school I had a close group that I did everything with. In college I joined a sorority and gained my sisters. When I started my career as a teacher I had my super supportive co-workers to rely on. But now as I am entering this new phase in my life I find myself missing that "group" of friends...

...this is my create a sisterhood for moms!"

Wow...all I can say is wow.

Now as I sit here, the creater of and the mommy blogger for wkyt I can't help but feel like I am making a little progress here!

So that's why I was so incredibly excited to show momtini off to hundreds and I do mean HUNDREDS of Central, Ky moms at the St. Joseph East Maternity Fair!

Here are some pics from the fair...we had a blast!!!
